Here you'll find an assorted mix of content from yours truly. I post about a lot
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Day 17: Rubin's Bitcoin Advent Calendar
14 Dec 2021
Welcome to day 17 of my Bitcoin Advent Calendar. You can see an index of all
the posts here or subscribe at to get new posts in your inbox
A short story. I want to tell first. I recently made friends with
Eugene, this really smart 19 year old Cal
dropout, when I was visiting Miami for the NFT bachanal around Art Basel.
Eugene just dropped a project he’s been working on, and it’s really freakin’
cool. He basically implemented a human v. chess engine in Solidity that mints
beautiful interactive NFTs of representations of the contract’s internal states.
You can play the game / mint one for like 0.1 ETH on his site
here, and see a permanent record of my
embarassingly bad move where I missed a mate-in-one here:
Definitely check out the site and read how it’s implemented. Eugene is very
bright, and a talented hacker. The project? It’s not a get-rich-quick project,
only cost is gas, so Eugene’s not raking it in (altho I think he should have,
but he’ll have many more successes).
So what’s the moral of this story?
Why isn’t Eugene working on Bitcoin? People say that “eth is a scam” and that
“everyone working on it are scammers”. But I don’t see that. I see people, like
Eugene, wanting to build cool shit every day. And wanting to ship cool stuff.
It’s fun. And I like to be friends with creative and curious people.
Working on Bitcoin is can be fun. But mostly it’s not. My post yesterday? The
one describing new techniques to make Bitcoin more decentralized? I had a lot
of fun writing it. And then someone claimed that my work is “very dangerous” to
I get it, I truly do. Bitcoin is money for enemies. Don’t trust, verify. In
the IRC channels, twitter spaces, and other forums we hear rants like the below
all the time:
Working on Bitcoin isn’t just a stupid fucking game of chess you idiot, it’s
solving literally every geoscale challenge humanity has ever faced and your work
on that is a bajillion fold more worthwhile. You are an asshole thinking you
deserve to have any fun in your life when you could be a miserable piece of shit
with people shouting at you all the time about how you suck and struggling to
ship small features and hoping how you might ship one bigger project this
decade. Fun? Fun??? You fucking asshole. If I don’t kill you, someone else will.
But developers are people too, and good developers like to build cool shit. If
you haven’t noticed, Bitcoin development has a bit of a burnout problem, with
multiple contributors stepping down their engagement recently. A likely cause
is the struggle it takes to ship even the smallest features, not to mention the
monumental effort it takes to ship a single large project. But the death
threats certainly don’t help either.
It doesn’t have to be this hard
It’s hard to tell people, especially younger folk just entering the space, to
work on Bitcoin full-time. What I say is as follows:
If you have a strong ideological calling to the mission of Bitcoin and sound money,
it’s absolutely the most meaningful project for you to work on. But if that’s not you,
and you want to explore crypto, you should probably play around with Ethereum or
something else. Bitcoin is really tough to get funded for and the community,
while amazing, can be very hostile.
If I were more selfish about the mission, I’d glaze over these details. But I
want folks to decide for themselves and find something that makes them truly
happy. For most “at-heart” Bitcoiners that won’t be a disincentive to taking
the orange-pill, but for some it might. Note: I’m Jewish, so that probably
influence my views on converting people to things (Jews believe in discouraging
converts to find the pure of heart).
Despite my best efforts to convince myself otherwise, I’ve been an audit-the-fed
libertarian since elementary school or something and I have photos of myself
with Ron Paul a decade apart. So I am one of those ideologically drawn to
Bitcoin and not other projects with weaker foundations.
But it doesn’t mean I don’t turn an envious eye to the activity and research
happening in other communities, or get excited about on-chain chess engines even
if they’re impractical for now. And there’s also the magic of a supportive
communtiy that doesn’t threaten to have you beaten up when they disagree with
you about the minutae of a soft fork rollout.
Cool technologies attract nerds like moths to a lamp at night. Smart nerds
trying to solve interesting problems create solutions. Experiments that strain
the limits of a platform expose problems and create demand for solutions.
These solutions often have major positive externalities.
I don’t think I’m going to convince you here to care about NFTs. But I am –
hopefully – going to convince you to care about NFTs the phenomenon.
For example, scaling challenge in Ethereum have led to the development of Zero
Knowledge Roll-Ups, privacy issues things like Tornado Cash, and more. While as
a project Eth might be #ngmi, Bitcoiners have traditionally said that if
anything is worth having we’ll just be able to implement it ourselves in
Bitcoin. But there are certain things that have network effects where it will be
hard for us to replicate. And by the time we do go to replicate, the tooling
that’s been developed for doing these things on Eth might be like a decade ahead
of what we’ve got for Bitcoin. And all of the smart kids are going to become
adults who are bought in technically and socially on things other than Bitcoin.
And that really freakin’ matters.
I’m not advocating that Bitcoiners should embrace full-blown degeneracy. But
also it’s not in particular our job to prevent it technically. And the tools that
are produced when people have fun can lead to major innvoations.
For example, right now I am working on a system for building NFTs for Bitcoin on
Why? It’s fun. It touches on almost all of the infrastructure problems I’m
working on for Sapio right now. And it is low enough risk – in terms of risk of
losing Bitcoin – that I feel comfortable building and experimenting with these
NFT test-subjects. Worst-come-to-worst, the artists can always re-issue anything
corrupted via a software flaw. And then as the software matures with low-risk
but still fun applications, we can apply those learnings to managing Bitcoin as
I also want to note that I really like artists. Artists as a community are
incredible. Artists use NFTs, so I like NFTs. Artists are the voice of the
people. Art can tear down the establishment. Art can change the world. And so
for Bitcoin, whose use is an inherently political message, what better community
to engage than the art world?
Bitcoiners are really fixated on the technical nonsense backing NFTs – yeah,
it’s not ‘literally’ the artwork. But then again, what literally is the
artwork? If you want a photograph and you want to pay the photographer for it,
do you? Do you get a receipt for it? Can you use that bill of sale to sell the
photo later? NFTs are just a better that. And if you don’t like the art that’s
sold as NFTs right now, why not find artists you do like? Why not get them
onboarded onto Bitcoin and fully orange-pilled? Hint: the HRF has a whole Art
in Protest section on their website.
Bitcoin NFTs could enable Bitcoin holders to pay dissident artists for their art
and avoid being shut down by authorities. Why not embrace that culturally? Isn’t
that the group that Bitcoin is for? And if you don’t like that, maybe you just
don’t like art. That’s ok, don’t buy it.
But NFTs are Stupid JPEGs Man
Ok sure. Whatever.
But there are all these contracts (as I showed you in previous posts) that
Bitcoin would benefit from, like inheritence schemes, vaults, decentralized
mining, payment pools, and more. Believe it or not, there tools needed to make
NFTs work well are the exact same tools required to make these work seamlessly.
So why not have a little fun, let people experiment with new ideas, get excited,
grow the community, and convert the big innovations into stable and mature
tooling for the critical infrastructure applications? And maybe we’ll uncover
some upside for brand new things that never occured possible to us before.
Throught the end of this series I’ll have some more posts detailing how to build
NFTs, Derivatives, DAOs, and Bonded Oracles. I hope that you can view them with
an open mind and appreciate how – even if you don’t think they are core to what
Bitcoin has to do – these innovations will fuel development of tools to support
the projects you do like without turning Bitcoin into a shitcoin. Who knows,
maybe you’ll find a new application you like.
Day 16: Rubin's Bitcoin Advent Calendar
13 Dec 2021
Welcome to day 16 of my Bitcoin Advent Calendar. You can see an index of all
the posts here or subscribe at to get new posts in your inbox
Who here has some ERC-20s or 721s? Anyone? No one? Whatever.
The Punchline is that a lotta fuss goes into Ethereum smart contracts being
Turing Complete but guess what? Neither ERC-20 nor 721 really have anything to
do with being Turing Complete. What they do have to do with is having a
tightly defined interface that can integrate into other applications nicely.
This is great news for Bitcoin. It means that a lot of the cool stuff happening
in eth-land isn’t really about Turing Completeness, it’s about just defining
really kickass interfaces for the things we’re trying to do.
In the last few posts, we already saw examples of composability. We took a bunch
of concepts and were able to nest them inside of each other to make
Decentralized Coordination Free Mining Pools. But we can do a lot more with
composability than just compose ideas togehter by hand. In this post I’ll give
you a little sampler of different types of programmatic composability and interfaces,
like the ERC-20 and 721.
Address Composability
Because many Sapio contracts can be made completely noninteractively (with CTV
or an Oracle you’ll trust to be online later), if you compile a Sapio contract
and get an address you can just plug it in somewhere and it “composes” and you
can link it later. We saw this earlier with the ability to make a channel
address and send it to an exchange.
However, for Sapio if you just do an Address it won’t necessarily have the
understanding of what that address is for so you won’t get any of the Sapio
“rich” features.
You can also take not just an address, but an entire (json-serialized?) Compiled
object that would include all the relevant metadata.
Rust Generic Types Composability
Well, if you’re a rust programmer this basically boils down to rust types rule!
We’ll give a couple examples.
The simplest example is just composing directly in a function:
fn some_function(self, ctx: Context) {
.add_output(ctx.funds(), &SomeOtherContract{/**/}, None)?
What if we want to pass any Contract as an argument for a Contract? Simple:
struct X {
a : Box<dyn Contract>
What if we want to restrict it a little bit more? We can use a trait bound.
Now only Y (or anything implementing GoodContract) can be plugged in.
trait GoodContract : Contract {
struct Y {
impl GoodContract for Y {
fn some_thing(self, ctx: Context) {
impl Contract for Y {
declare!{then, Self::some_thing}
struct X<T: GoodContract> {
a : Box<dyn GoodContract>,
// note the inner type of a and b don't have to match
b : Box<dyn GoodContract>
Boxing gives us some power to be Generic at runtime, but we can also do some
more “compile time” logic. This can have some advantages, e.g., if we want to
guarantee that types are the same.
struct X<T : Contract, U: GoodContract> {
a : T,
b : T
// a more specific concrete type -- could be a T even
c: U,
d: U,
Sometimes it can be helpful to wrap things in functions, like we saw in the Vaults post.
struct X<T: Contract>
// This lets us stub in whatever we want for a function
a : Box<Fn(Self, Context) -> TxTmplIt>,
// this lets us get back any contract
b : Box<Fn(Self, Context) -> Box<dyn Contract>>,
// this lets us get back a specific contract
c : Box<Fn(Self, Context) -> T,
Clearly there’s a lot to do with the rust type system and making components.
It would even be possible to make certain types of ‘unchecked’ type traits,
for example:
trait Reusable {}
struct AlsoReusable<T> {
a: T,
// Only reusable if T Reusable
impl<T> Reusable for AlsoReusable<T> where T: Reusable {}
The Reusable
tag could be used to tag contract components that would be “reuse
safe”. E.g., an HTLC or HTLC containing component would not be reuse safe since
hashes could be revealed. While reusability isn’t “proven” – that’s up to the
author to check – these types of traits can help us reason about the properties
of compositions of programs more safely. Unfortunately, Rust lacks negative
trait bounds (i.e., Not-Reusable), so you can’t reason about certain types of things.
We don’t have a fantastic way to do inheritence in Sapio presently. But stay
tuned! For now, then best you get is that you can do traits (like
Cross Module Composability & WASM
One of the goals of Sapio is to be able to create contract modules with a
well-defined API Boundary that communicates with JSONs and is “typed” with
JSONSchema. This means that the Sapio modules can be running anywhere (e.g., a
remote server) and we can treat it like any other component.
Another goal of Sapio is to make it possible to compile modules into standalone
WASM modules. WASM stands for Web Assembly, it’s basically a small deterministic
computer emulator program format so we can compile our programs and run them
anywhere that the WASM interpreter is available.
Combining these two goals, it’s possible for one Sapio program to dynamically
load another as a WASM module. This means we can come up with a component,
compile it, and then link to it later from somewhere else. For example, we could
have a Payment Pool where we make each person’s leaf node a WASM module of their
choice, that could be something like a Channel, a Vault, or anything that
satisfies a “Payment Pool Payout Interface”.
For example, suppose we wanted to a generic API for making a batched
Defining the Interface
First, we define a payment that we want to batch.
/// A payment to a specific address
pub struct Payment {
/// # Amount (btc)
/// The amount to send
pub amount: AmountF64,
/// # Address
/// The Address to send to
pub address: bitcoin::Address,
Next, we define the full API that we want. Naming and versioning is still a
something we need to work on in the Sapio ecosystem, but for now it makes sense
to be verbose and include a version.
pub struct BatchingTraitVersion0_1_1 {
pub payments: Vec<Payment>,
/// # Feerate (Bitcoin per byte)
pub feerate_per_byte: AmountF64
Lastly, to finish defining the API, we have to do something really gross looking
in order to make it automatically checkable – this is essentially this is what the
user defined BatchingTraitVersion0_1_1
is going to verify modules are able to
understand. This is going to be improved in Sapio over time for better typechecking!
impl SapioJSONTrait for BatchingTraitVersion0_1_1 {
fn get_example_for_api_checking() -> Value {
enum Versions {
BatchingTraitVersion0_1_1 {
payments: vec![],
feerate_per_byte: Amount::from_sat(0).into(),
Implementing the Interface
Let’s say that we want to make a contract like TreePay
. What do we need to do?
First, let’s get the boring stuff out of the way, we need to make the TreePay
module understand that it should support BatchingTraitVersion0_1_1
/// # Different Calling Conventions to create a Treepay
enum Versions {
/// # Standard Tree Pay
/// # Batching Trait API
REGISTER![[TreePay, Versions], "logo.png"];
Next, we just need to define logic converting the data provided in
into a TreePay
. Since BatchingTraitVersion0_1_1
is really basic, we need to pick values for the other fields.
impl From<BatchingTraitVersion0_1_1> for TreePay {
fn from(args: BatchingTraitVersion0_1_1) -> Self {
TreePay {
participants: args.payments,
radix: 4,
// estimate fees to be 4 outputs and 1 input + change
fee_sats_per_tx: args.feerate_per_byte * ((4 * 41) + 41 + 10),
timelock_backpressure: None,
impl From<Versions> for TreePay {
fn from(v: Versions) -> TreePay {
match v {
Versions::TreePay(v) => v,
Versions::BatchingTraitVersion0_1_1(v) => v.into(),
Using the Interface
To use this BatchingTraitVersion0_1_1
, we can just define a struct as follows,
and when we deserialize it will be automatically verified to have declared a
fitting API.
pub struct RequiresABatch {
/// # Which Plugin to Use
/// Specify which contract plugin to call out to.
handle: SapioHostAPI<BatchingTraitVersion0_1_1>,
The SapioHostAPI
handle can be either a human readable name (like
“user_preferences.batching” or “org.judica.modules.batchpay.latest”) and looked
up locally, or it could be an exact hash of the specific module to use.
We can then use the handle to resolve and compile against the third party module.
Because the module lives in an entirely separate WASM execution context,
we don’t need to worry about it corrupting our module or being able to access
information we don’t provide it.
Call to Action
In the posts coming Soon™, we’ll see some more specific examples of contracts
that make heavier use of having interfaces and all the cool shit we can get done.
That’s all I have to say. See you tomorrow.
Day 15: Rubin's Bitcoin Advent Calendar
12 Dec 2021
Welcome to day 15 of my Bitcoin Advent Calendar. You can see an index of all
the posts here or subscribe at to get new posts in your inbox
Long time no see. You come around these parts often?
Let’s talk mining pools.
First, let’s define some things. What is a pool? A pool is a way to take a
strongly discontinuous income stream and turn it into a smoother income stream.
For example, suppose you are a songwriter. You’re a dime a dozen, there are 1000
songwriters. If you get song of the year, you get $1M Bonus. However, all the
other songwriters are equally pretty good, it’s a crapshoot. So you and half the
other songwriters agree to split the prize money whoever wins. Now, on average,
every other year you get $2000, instead of once every thousand years. Since
you’re only going to work about 50 years, your “expected” amount of winnings
would be $50,000 if you worked alone. But expected winnings don’t buy bread. By
pooling, your expected winnings are $2000 every other year for 50 years, so also
$50,000. But you expect to actually have some spare cash laying around. However,
if you got lucky and won the contest the year you wrote a hit, you’d end up way
richer! but the odds are 1:20 of that ever happening in your life, so there
aren’t that many rich songwriters (50 out of your 1000 peers…).
Mining is basically the same as our songwriter contest, just instead of silver
tongued lyrics, it’s noisy whirring bitcoin mining rigs. Many machines will
never mine a block. Many miners (the people operating it) won’t either! However,
by pooling their efforts together, they can turn a once-in-a-million-years
chance into earning temperatureless immaterial bitcoin day in and day out.
Who Pissed In your Pool?
The problem with pooling is that they take an extremely decentralized process
and add a centralized coordination layer on top. This layer has numerous issues
including but not limited to:
- Weak Infrastructure: What happens if e.g. DNS goes down as it did recently?
- KYC/AML requirements to split the rewards
- Centralized “block policies”
- Bloating chain space with miner payouts
- Getting kicked out of their home country (happened in China recently)
- Custodial hacking risk.
People are working on a lot of these issues with upgrades like “Stratum V2”
which aspire to give the pools less authority.
In theory, mining pool operators should be against things that limit their
business operations. However, we’re in a bit “later stage bitcoin mining”
whereas pooling is seen more as a necessary evil, and most pools are anchored by
big mining operations. And getting rid of pools would be great for Bitcoin,
which would increase the value of folks holdings/mining rigs. So while it might
seem irrational, it’s actually perfectly incentive compatible that mining pools
operators consider mining pools to be something to make less of a centralization
risk. Even if pools don’t exist in their current form, mining service providers
can still make really good business offerring all kinds of support. Forgive me
if i’m speaking out of turn, pool ops!
Making Mining Pools Better
To make mining pools better, we can set some ambitious goals:
- Funds should not be centrally custodied, ever, if at all.
- No “Extra network” software required.
- No blockchain bloat.
- No extra infrastructure.
- The size of a viable pool should be smaller. Remember our singer – if you
just pool with one other songwriter it doesn’t make your expected time till
payout in your lifetime. So bigger the pools, more regular the payouts. We want
the smallest possible “units of control” with the most regular payouts possible.
Fuck. That’s a huge list of goals.
But if you work with me here, you’ll see how we can nail every last one of them.
And in doing so, we can clear up some major Privacy hurdles and Decentralization
Building the Decentralized Coordination Free Mining Pool
We’ll build this up step by step. We probably won’t look at any Sapio code
today, but as a precursor I really must insist read the last couple posts first:
- Congestion Control
- Payment Pools
- Channels
You read them, right?
The idea is actually really simple, but we’ll build it up piece by piece by piece.
Part 1: Window Functions over Blocks.
A window function is a little program that operates over the last “N” things and
computes something.
E.g., a window function could operate over the last 5 hours and count how many
carrots you ate. Or over the last 10 cars that pass you on the road.
A window function of bitcoin blocks could operate over a number of different things.
- The last 144 blocks
- The last 24 hours of blocks
- The last 100 blocks that meet some filter function (e.g, of size > 500KB)
A window function could compute lot of different things too:
- The average time difference between blocks
- The amount of fees paid in those blocks
- A subset of the blocks that pass another filter.
A last note: window functions need, for something like Bitcoin, a start height
where we exclude things prior (e.g., last 100 blocks since block 500,000)
Part 2: Giving presents to all our friends
Let’s do a window function over the last 100 Blocks and collect the 1st address
in the output of the coinbase transaction.
Now, in our block, instead of paying ourselves a reward, let’s divvy it up among
the last 100 blocks and pay them out our entire block reward, split up.
We’re so nice!
Part 3: Giving presents to our nice friends only
What if instead of paying everyone, we do a window function over the last 100
blocks and filter for only blocks that followed the same rule that we are
following (being nice). We take the addresses of each of them, and divvy up our
award to them too like before.
We’re so nice to only our nice friends!
Now stop and think a minute. All the “nice” blocks in the last 100 didn’t get a
reward directly, but they got paid by the future nice blocks handsomely. Even
though we don’t get any money from the block we mined, if our nice friends keep
on mining then they’ll pay us too returning the favor.
Re-read the above till it makes sense. This is the big idea. Now onto the “small”
Part 4: Deferring Payouts
This is all kinda nice, but now our blocks get really really big since we’re
paying all our friends. Maybe we can be nice, but a little mean too and tell
them to use their own block space to get their gift.
So instead of paying them out directly, we round up all the nice block addresses
like before and we toss it in a Congestion Control Tree.
Now our friends do likewise too. Since the Congestion Control Module is
deterministic, everyone can generate the same tree and both verify that our
payout was received and generate the right transaction.
Now this gift doesn’t take up any of our space!
Part 5: Compacting
But it still takes up space for someone, and that blows.
So let’s do our pals a favor. Instead of just peeping the 1st address (which
really could be anything) in the coinbase transaction, let’s use a good ole
fashioned OP_RETURN (just some extra metadata) with a Taproot Public Key we want
to use in it.
Now let’s collect all the blocks that again follow the rule defined here, and
take all their taproot keys.
Now we gift them into a Payment Pool, instead of into just a Congestion Control
tree with musig aggregated keys at every node. It’s a minor difference – a
Congestion Control tree doesn’t have a taproot key path – but that difference
means the world.
Now instead of having to expand to get everyone paid, they can use it like a
Payment Pool! And Pools from different runs can even do a many-to-one
transaction where they merge balances.
For example, imagine two pools:
UTXO A from Block N: 1BTC Alice, 1BTC Carol, 1BTC Dave
UTXO B Block N+1: 1BTC Alice, 1BTC Carol, 1BTC Bob
We can do a transaction as follows to merge the balances:
UTXO C: 2BTC Alice, 2BTC Carol, 1BTC Dave, 1BTC Bob
Compared to doing the payments directly, fully expanding this creates only 4
outputs instead of 6! It gets even better the more miners are involved.
We could even merge many pools at the same time, and in the future, benefit from
something like cross-input-signature aggregation to make it even cheaper and
create even fewer outputs.
Part 6: Channels
But wait, there’s more!
We can even make the terminal leafs of the Payment Pool be channels instead of direct UTXOs.
This has a few big benefits.
- We don’t need to do any compaction as urgently, we can immediately route funds around.
- We don’t need to necessarily wait 100 blocks to spend out of our coinbase since we can use the channel directly.
- Instead of compaction, we can just “swap” payments around across channels.
How channel balancing might look.
This should be opt-in (with a tag field to opt-in/out) since if you didn’t want
a channel it could be annoying to have the extra timeout delays, especially if you
wanted e.g. to deposit directly to cold storage.
Part 7: Selecting Window Functions
What’s the best window function?
I got no freakin’ clue. We can window over time, blocks, fee amounts,
participating blocks, non participating blocks, etc.
Picking a good window function is an exercise in itself, and needs to be
scrutinized for game theoretic attacks.
Part 8: Payout Functions
Earlier we showed the rewards as being just evenly split among the last blocks,
but we could also reward people differently. E.g., we could reward miners who
divided more reward to the other miners more (incentivize collecting more fees),
or really anything deterministic that we can come up with.
Again, I don’t know the answer here. It’s a big design space!
Part 9: Voting on Parameters
One last idea: if we had some sort of parameter space for the window functions,
we could perhaps vote on-chain for tweaking it. E.g., each miner could vote to
+1 or -1 from the window length.
I don’t particularly think this is a good idea, because it brings in all sorts
of weird attacks and incentives, but it is a cool case of on-chain governance so
worth thinking more on.
Part 10: End of Transmission?
No more steps. Now we think a bit more about the implications of this.
Solo mining?
Well the bad news about this design is that we can’t really do solo mining.
Remember, most miners probably will never mine a block. So they would never be
able to enter the pool.
We could mess around with including things like partial work shares (just a
few!) into blocks, but I think the best bet is to instead to focus on
micro-pools. Micro-pools would be small units of hashrate (say, 1%?) that are
composed of lots of tiny miners.
The tiny miners can all connect to each other and gossip around their work
shares, use some sort of conesnsus algorithm, or use a pool operator. The blocks
that they mine should use a taproot address/key which is a multisig of some
portion of the workshares, that gets included in the top-level pool as a part of
Payment Pool.
So while we don’t quite make solo mining feasible, the larger the window we use
the tinier the miners can be while getting better de-risking.
A little out of scope for here, but it should work conceptually!
A while back I analyzed this kind of setup, read more
here. Feel free to experiment
with window and payout functions and report back!
chart showing that the rewards are smoother over time
Now Implement it!
Well we are not gonna do that here, since this is kinda a mangum opus of Sapio
and it would be wayyyy too long. But it should be somewhat conceptually
straightforward if you paid close attention to the “precursor” posts. And you
can see some seeds of progress for an implementation on
although I’ve mostly been focused on simpler applications (e.g. the constituent
components of payment pools and channels) for the time being… contributions welcome!
TL;DR: Sapio + CTV makes pooled mining more decentralized and more private.
Day 14: Rubin's Bitcoin Advent Calendar
11 Dec 2021
Welcome to day 14 of my Bitcoin Advent Calendar. You can see an index of all
the posts here or subscribe at to get new posts in your inbox
Lightning Lightning Lightning
Everybody loves Lightning. I love Lightining, you love Lightning. We love
everyone who works on Lightning. Heck, even
Chainalysis loves
Lightning these days :(…
We all love Lightning.
But what if I told you we could love Lightning even more? Crazy, right?
With CTV + Sapio we can improve on Lightning is some pretty cool ways you
may not have heard too much about before. Buckle up, we’re in for another doozy
of a post.
Let a thousand channels bloom
The main thing we’re going to talk about in this post is the opening and closing
of channels. There are some other things that CTV/Sapio can do that are a bit
more niche to talk about, but there will always be future posts.
How do we open channels today?
Let’s say I want to open a channel up with you. I shoot you a text on signal or
something and say “hey what’s up, happy holidays friend. I would like to open a
payment channel with you”. You say back, “Tis the season! Let’s do it, my Tor
Hidden Service address is ABCXYZ”. Then I connect to your node from my computer
and then I say I want to open a channel with you for 500,000 sats (at writing in
2021 this was $250 US Dollars, not $250 Million Dollars). Then, you might
authorize opening up the channel with me, or your node might just roll the dice
and do it without your permission (IDK how the nodes actually work, depends on
your client, and maybe in the future some reputation thingy).
So now we have agreed to create a channel.
Now, I ask you for a key to use in the channel and you send it to me. Then, I
create an unsigned transaction F that is going to create and fund our channel.
The channel is in Output C. I send you F and C. Then, I ask you to pre-sign a
transaction spending from C that doesn’t yet exist, but would refund me and give
you nothing in the event you go offline. This is basically just using the
channel like it exists already for a payment 0 paying me. After I get those
sweet sweet signatures from you, then I send you the signatures as well in case
you want to close things out like normal.
Houston, we have a channel.
Now we can revoke old states and stuff and sign new states and all that fancy
channel HTLC routing jazz. We don’t really need to know how a lot of that works
down in the details so don’t ask.
Something a little more nifty, perhaps?
Technically I presented you how single funded channels work, but you can also
dual fund where we both contribute some funds. It’s relatively new feature to
land and was a lot of work… Dual funded channels are important because when I
opened the channel to you I had all the sats and I couldn’t receive any Bitcoin.
Dual funded channels means you can immediately send both directions.
What can we do with CTV?
With CTV, the single funded channel opening story is a bit simpler. I ask you if
you want to open a channel, you say “sure!” (maybe I even look up your key from
a Web-of-Trust system), and send me a key. I then use Sapio to compile a channel
for 500k sats to our keys, I send Bitcoin to it. The channel is created. I send
you the Outpoint + the arguments to the channel, either through email,
connecting to your node, or pigeon with a thumbdrive, and later you verify that
I paid to the channel for our keys that Sapio output by running the compiler
with the same arguments (500k sats to our keys).
This is called a non-interactive channel open. Why’s that? Beyond having to do
some basics (e.g., I have to know a key for you, which could be on a public
Web-of-Trust), there is no step in the flow that requires any back-and-forth
negotiation to create the channel. I just create it unilaterally, and then I
could tell you about it a year later. You’d be able to verify it fine!
For dual-funded channels, I send you a transaction you can pay into to finish
opening it and I can go offline. Once opened, the channel works for us both
recovering our funds.
sounds niche
It kinda is. It’s an esoteric nerdy property. But I promise you it’s really
cool! Let’s look at some examples:
Cafe Latte Anyone?
Let’s say that I go to a cafe I’ve never been to and there is a QR code posted
on the wall. I then go about my business, ordering a 10,000 sat breakfast combo.
To pay, I scan the QR-code, and then it has a XPUB for Non Interactive Channels on it.
I can then plug in that XPUB into my Sapio Channel Creator and create a channel
with a first payment of 10k sats and a total balance of 100k sats. I show a QR
code on my phone to the barista, who scans it, getting the details of the
channel I made. Barista says looks good, acknowledging both the payment and the
channel open. The details get backed up to The Cloud.
But just then something happens: a masked figure comes in with a gun and tells
the barista, “GIVE ME ALL YOUR SATOSHIS”. A child begins to cry, their parent
covering their mouth with their hand. The bad guy barks, “GIVE ME ALL YOUR
SATOSHIS… and no one gets hurt,” tapping the muzzle of the gun on the
countertop. The barista smirks and snarls, “stupid thief, surely you’ve been
reading the post on non-interactive lightning channels on Rubin’s Bitcoin Advent
Calendar.” The robber adjusts the straps on their mask for some relief from the
ear irritation. “If you had been reading it, you would know that I don’t need to
have a key online in order for someone to create a channel with me! I just need
the XPUB to verify they are made correctly. This is not those old-school
channels. I have no ability to spend. We keep our keys colder than our cold
brew.” The robbers shoulders sag and they mutter, “fine, in that case, I’ll have
a medium cold brew coffee, one sugar with a splash of oat milk. And that big
chocolate chip cookie”.
That’s right. Because our cafe used non-interactive channels, they didn’t
have to have a key online to create a channel with me! They just needed durable
storage for the channel definition.
And when I go to spend a bit extra for a bottle of Topo Chico™ later, they still
don’t need to be online, I can start making payments without them
Where did my corn come from?
How did I get the bitcoin for the channel I’m opening? Usually this is an
assumption for Lightning (you have Bitcoin!), but in this case it’s central to
the plot here. You probably got them from an exchange, mining, or something else.
This means that in order to open a channel to someone, I need to do two transactions:
- Get some money
- Make the channel
It’s possible, if I had a really legit hip exchange, they’d let me directly open
a channel by offering me a transaction unsigned with the channel output C that I
can presign with you! But then they can’t really batch payments (otherwise one
user going offline can be a DoS attack on the batch payout) and they can also
get DoS’d unbatched since we can “lock up” a coin while we run the protocol.
If instead, we had CTV we could just generate an address for the channel we
wanted and request the exchange pay to it the appropriate amount of coin. The
exchange could pay the channel address however they want, and we’d be able to
use it right away.
However they want?
Yes. Let’s look at some options:
- A normal transaction – Works great.
- A batch transaction – No Problemo.
- A Congestion Control Tree – Even that!
What was that last one? You read it right, a channel can be created in a Congestion Control tree,
and be immediately usable!
How’s this work? Well, because you can fully verify you’d receive a payment in a
congestion control tree, you can likewise fully verify that your channel will be
This is big. This means that you can just directly request a channel from a third party
without even telling them that you’re making a channel!
And this technique – channels in congestion control tree – generalizes
beautifully. It means you could create as many immediately usable channels as
you like and lazily fully open them over their lifetime whenever blockspace is
I Lied (a little)
If the exchange doesn’t follow your payment instructions to the T, e.g. if they
split it into two UTXOs then it won’t work. Exchanges should probably not do
anything other than what you asked them to do (this should be something to ensure
in the exchanges terms of service…).
Come on in the water’s warm?
This concept also composes nicely with the Payment
Pools we saw yesterday. Imagine you embed
channels as the terminal outputs after a full-ejection from the pool. Then,
what you can do is have the N-of-N agree to an on-chain state update that
respects (or preserves) any channel updates before you switch. Embedding the
channels inside means that Payment Pools would only need to do on-chain
transactions when they need to make an external payment or re-configure
liquidity among participants.
For example, imagine a pool with Alice, Bob, Carol, and Dave each having one
coin in a channel. We’ll do some channel updates, and then reconfigure.
Pool(Channel([A, 1], [B, 1]), Channel([C, 1], [D, 1]))
Channel Update (off-chain):
Pool(Channel([A, 0.4], [B, 1.6]), Channel([C, 1], [D, 1]))
Channel Update (off-chain):
Pool(Channel([A, 0.4], [B, 1.6]), Channel([C, 1.3], [D, 0.7]))
Pool Reconfigure (on-chainl swap channel partners):
Pool(Channel([A, 0.4], [D, 0.7]), Channel([C, 1.3], [B, 1.6]))
Pool Reconfigure (on-chain; add Eve/Bob Channel):
Pool(Channel([A, 0.4], [D, 0.7]), Channel([C, 1.3], [B, 0.6]), Channel([E, 0.5], [B, 0.5]))
Pretty neat, right?
This is particularly a big win for Scalability and Privacy, since we’re now
containing tons of activity within a single UTXO, and even within that UTXO
most of the information doesn’t need to be known to all participants.
I’m not going to show you all of these integrations directly (Congestion Control, Pools, etc),
because you gotta cut an article somewhere. But we do have enough…
Time to Code
OK enough ‘how it works’ and ‘what it can do’. Let’s get cracking on a basic
channel implementation so you know I’m not bullshitting you.
First, let’s define the basic information we’ll need:
/// Information for each Participant
struct Participant {
/// signing key
key: PublicKey,
/// amount of funds
amount: AmountF64,
/// A Channel can be either in an Open or Closing state.
enum State {
/// Channel definition.
struct Channel {
/// If it is opening or closing
state: State,
/// Each participant's balances
parties: [Participant; 2],
/// Amount of time transactions must be broadcast within
timeout: AnyRelTimeLock,
Pretty straightforward.
Now, let’s define the API:
impl Contract for Channel {
declare!{then, Self::finish_close, Self::begin_close}
declare!{updatable<Update>, Self::update}
Next, we’ll define the being_close
logic. Essentially all it’s going to do is,
if we’re in the Open
state allow transitioning the pool to the Closing
impl Channel {
fn if_open(self, ctx: Context) {
if let State::Open = self.state {
} else {
#[then(compile_if = "[Self::if_open]")]
fn begin_close(self, ctx: Context) {
// copy the channel data and change to closing state
// begin_close can happen at any time
let mut close = self.clone();
close.state = State::Closing;
.add_output(Amount::from(self.parties[0].amount) +
&close, None)?
Next we’ll define the logic for the Closing
state. Essentially, if the state
as been in Closing
and the timeout expires, then we allow a transaction to
return the funds to the initial state. We’ll only add an output for a
participant if they have any money!
impl Channel {
fn if_closing(self, ctx: Context) {
if let State::Closing = self.state {
} else {
#[then(compile_if = "[Self::if_closing]")]
fn finish_close(self, ctx: Context) {
// only allow finish_close after waiting for timelock
let mut tmpl = ctx.template().set_sequence(-1, self.timelock)?;
// add party 0 if they have funds
if Amount::from(self.parties[0].amount).as_sat() != 0 {
tmpl = tmpl.add_output(self.parties[0].amount.into(), &self.parties[0].key, None)?;
// add party 1 if they have funds
if Amount::from(self.parties[1].amount).as_sat() != 0 {
tmpl = tmpl.add_output(self.parties[1].amount.into(), &self.parties[1].key, None)?;
Almost lastly, we’ll add the updating logic. The updating logic has to be used in a very
particular way in this contract, but it’s pretty basic by itself!
// updating a channel
enum Update {
// nothing to do!
// An update that can later 'burned'
// An update that is formed to terminate a channel
Cooperate([Participants; 2])
impl Channel {
fn both_signed(self, ctx: Context) {
#[continuation(guarded_by = "[Self::both_signed]")]
fn update(self, ctx: Context, u: Update) {
match u {
// don't do anything
Update::None => empty(),
// send funds to the revokable contract
Update::Revokable(r) => {
// note -- technically we only need to sign revokables where
// state == State::Closing, but we do both for efficiency
.add_output(Amount::from(self.parties[0].amount) +
Amount::from(self.parties[1].amount), &r, None)?
// Terminate the channel into two payouts.
Update::Cooperate(c) => {
.add_output(c[0].amount.into(), &c[0].key, None)?
.add_output(c[1].amount.into(), &c[1].key, None)?
Now to finish we need to define some sort of thing for Revokable
. Revokables
are used to update a channel from one set of balances to another. This will
depend on your payment channel implementation. I’ve defined a basic one below,
but this could be anything you like.
Essentially, a Revokable is an offer from party A to party B to close the
channel such that B can later provably “reject” the offer. If B uses a rejected
offer, A can take the entire balance of the channel.
How to use this to update a channel? To start, all parties agree on the new
balances with a timeout.
Next, party one gets a hash H(V) from party two that party two knows V and party
one does not. Party one then creates a Revokable with from_idx = 0
, the
updated balances, timelock, and hash H(V). They feed the update arguments to
and sign the resulting transaction, sending the signed
transaction to party two. In particular in non-interactive channels, party one
only has to sign revokable updates at the branch where state ==
, but it’s better for cases where your counterparty might not be
malicious and just offline if you sign updates on both Open
and Closing
Just signing on Open
would be insecure.
Then, we repeat this with roles reversed with one generating a hash and two
signing transactions.
Lastly, both reveals the hash preimage (V to H(V)) from any prior round to
revoke the state from their counterparty.
If either party ever broadcasts the Revokable that they received by signing the
other half of the Channel::update
after revealing their Hash preimage, the
other party can take all the funds in the channel.
Kinda a bit tough to understand, but you don’t really need to get it, you can
embed whatever protocol like this inside that you want.
struct Revokable {
// updated balances
parties: [Participant; 2],
// preimage from the other party
hash: Hash,
// how long the other party has to revoke
timelock: AnyRelTimeLock,
// who is this update from
from_idx: u8,
impl Contract for Revokable {
declare!{then, Self::finish}
declare!{finish, Self::revoked}
impl Revokable {
/// after waiting for the timeout, close the balances out at the appropriate values.
fn finish(self, ctx: Context) {
let mut tmpl = ctx.template().set_sequence(-1, self.timelock)?;
if Amount::from(self.parties[0].amount).as_sat() != 0 {
tmpl = tmpl.add_output(self.parties[0].amount.into(), &self.parties[0].key, None)?;
if Amount::from(self.parties[1].amount).as_sat() != 0 {
tmpl = tmpl.add_output(self.parties[1].amount.into(), &self.parties[1].key, None)?;
/// if this was revoked by the other party
/// we can sweep all the funds
fn revoked(self, ctx: Context) {
And now some closing remarks:
CTV Required?
You don’t need CTV for these channel specs to work, but you do need CTV for the
channels to be non-interactive. Without CTV you just use a multi-sig oracle of
both parties, and the contracts come out logically similar to an existing
lightning channel. Does that mean we’re going to enter…
The Era of Sapio Lightning?
It’s probably going to be a while/never before this actually becomes a
“Lightning” standard thing, even if you could use this with self-hosted oracles
today, although perhaps one day it could be!
However, it’s possible! One path towards that would be if, perhaps, Sapio gets
used to help define the “spec” that all lightning protocols should implement.
Then it’d be theoretically possible to use Sapio for a channel implementation!
Or maybe Sapio becomes a “plugin engine” for negotiating channels and updates can
just be shipping some WASM.
What didn’t make the cut?
Some ideas to mention, but not fully flesh out (yet?):
So, so very much. To start CTV+CSFS can do something like Eltoo, no need for
AnyPrevout. Very neat! If we had some Eltoo primitive available, I could show you
revocation-free channels.
Embedded Sapio States
Instead of making the channel state a boring “pay X to 0, pay Y to 1”
resolution, we can actually embed all sorts of contracts inside of channels.
E.g., imagine if you have a channel whereby if you contested close it your
counterparty’s funds (who is offline conceivably) go to a cold-storage vault.
Or imagine if you had some sort of oracle resolved synthetic bitcoin settled
derivative contract, like a DLC, embedded inside. You could then use this to HFT
your synths!
Or what if there were some new-fangled token protocol that lived inside state
transition to state transition, and you could update you and your counterparty’s
stake into those?
You can really put anything you want. We’ll see in a couple days how you can
define a Channel Plugin Interface so that you can dynamically link a logic
module into a contract, rather than compiling it in.
Embedded Channels
We saw a little bit of embedded channels. Channels embedded in congestion
control, or in payment pools. But the concept can be a lot more diverse.
Remember our Vaults and inheritence schemes? We could make the hot-wallet
payouts from those go directly into Channels with some channel operator hub. Or
what about making channels directly out of coinjoins? Not having to pre-sign
everything really helps. Don’t sleep on this.
Embedded Channel Creation Args
We said earlier that channel creation required some sort of email. But it’s also
sometimes possible to embed the channel metadata into e.g. an op_return on the
channel creation. Perhaps as an IPFS hash or something. In this case, you would
just need to scan over txs, download the relevant data, and then attempt
plugging it into WASM (heck – the WASM could just receive the txn in question
and do all the heavy lifting). If the WASM spits out a matching output/channel
address, you now have a channel you can detect automatically. This doesn’t have
to be bad for privacy if the data is encrypted somehow!
How will this impact the world?
Non interactive channel creation is going to, for many users, dramatically
decrease the cost of channel opening. Firstly you can defer paying fees when you
open many channels (big news)! In fact, if the channel is long lived enough, you
may never pay fees if someone else does first! That incentive to wait is called
backpressure. It’s also going to “cut through” a lot of cases (e.g., exchange
withdraw, move from cold storage, etc) that would otherwise require 2
transactions. And channels in Payment Pools have big opportunities to leverage
cooperative actions/updates to dramatically reduce chain load in the happy-case.
This is a gigantic boon not just for scalability, but also for privacy. The less
that happens on chain the better!
I think it’s also likely that with non-interactive channels, one might always
(as was the case with our cafe) opportunistically open channels instead of
normal payments. Removing the “counterparty online” constraint is huge. Being
able to just open it up and bet that you’ll be able to route is a big win. This
is similar to “PayJoin”, whereby you try to always coin-join transactions on all
payments for both privacy and fee savings.
Tomorrow, we’ll see sort of a magnum opus of using non-interactive channels, so
stay tuned folks, that’s all for today.
Day 13: Rubin's Bitcoin Advent Calendar
10 Dec 2021
Welcome to day 13 of my Bitcoin Advent Calendar. You can see an index of all
the posts here or subscribe at to get new posts in your inbox
Payment Pools are a general concept for a technique to share a single UTXO among
a group. They’ve been discussed for a couple years, but now that
Taproot is active are definitely more relevant! In this post we’ll go through
some really simple Payment Pool designs before turning it up a little bit :)
Mechanistically, all that is required of a Payment Pool is that:
- It’s a single (shared) UTXO
- Every user can get their funds out unilaterally
- A set of users can authorize spend the funds
- Unspent funds/change stays in the pool
Why Pool?
Pools are really great for a number of reasons. In particular, Payment Pools are
fantastic for Scalability since they mean 1 utxo can serve many masters, and
also each txn only requires one signature to make a batched payment from a
group. Payment Pools are kinda a killer version of a coin-join where you roll
the funds from coinjoin to coinjoin automatically, giving you great privacy.
We’ll also see how they benefit decentralization in a couple of days.
What’s the simplest design that can satisfy this?
Imagine a coin that is either N-of-N multisig OR a transaction distributing the
coins to all users. The Sapio would look a bit like this:
struct SimplePool {
/// list of all initial balances
members: HashMap<PublicKey, Amount>
impl SimplePool {
/// Send their balances to everyone
fn ejection(self, ctx: Context) {
let mut t = ctx.template();
for (key, amount) in self.members.iter() {
t = t.add_output(amt, &key, None)?;
/// all signed the transaction!
fn all_signed(self, ctx: Context) {
impl Contract for SimplePool {
declare!{then, Self::ejection}
declare!{finish, Self::all_signed}
Let’s check our list:
- It’s a single UTXO – Check
- Every user can get their funds out unilaterally – Check, with SimplePool::ejection
- A set of users can authorize spend the funds – Check, unanimously
- Unspent funds/change stay in the pool – We’ll give this a Check, just don’t sign transaction that don’t meet this contstraint.
So we’re good! This is all we need.
But is it really all we need?
It’d be nice if the Payment Pool had a little bit more structure around the
updating so that a little bit less was left to the user to do correctly.
Luckily, Sapio has tools for that. Let’s define a transition function in Sapio
that generates what we should do with Simple::all_signed
The transition function should take a list of signed updates per participant and
generate a transaction for signing (signing the inputs helps with coordinating
not signing the incorrect transaction). Any leftover funds should be sent into a
new instance of the Payment Pool for future use.
We’ll also make one more change for efficient ejections: In the version I gave
above, the unilateral ejection option exits everyone out of the pool, which
kinda sucks.
However, we will ‘hybridize’ the payment pool with the tree payment. Then, you
would have “hierarchical” pools whereby splitting would keep pools alive. E.g.,
if you had 30 people in a pool with a splitting radix of 2, 1 person
force-ejecting themselves would create something like 1 pool of size 15, 1 pool
of size 7, 1 pool of size 4, 1 pool of size 2, and 2 ejected people. They can
always re-join a pool again after!
First, we’ll define the basic Pool data and interface:
#[derive(Deserialize, JsonSchema, Clone)]
struct NextTxPool {
/// map of all initial balances as PK to BTC
members: BTreeMap<PublicKey, AmountF64>,
/// The current sequence number (for authenticating state updates)
sequence: u64,
/// If to require signatures or not (debugging, should be true)
sig_needed: bool,
impl Contract for NextTxPool {
declare! {then, Self::ejection}
declare! {updatable<DoTx>, Self::do_tx}
Now we’ll define the logic for ejecting from the pool:
impl NextTxPool {
/// Sum Up all the balances
fn total(&self) -> Amount {
.fold(Amount::from_sat(0), |a, b| a + b)
/// Only compile an ejection if the pool has other users in it, otherwise
/// it's base case.
fn has_eject(self, ctx: Context) {
if self.members.len() > 1 {
} else {
/// Split the pool in two -- users can eject multiple times to fully eject.
#[then(compile_if = "[Self::has_eject]")]
fn ejection(self, ctx: Context) {
let mut t = ctx.template();
let mid = (self.members.len() + 1) / 2;
// find the middle
let key = self.members.keys().nth(mid).expect("must be present");
let mut pool_one: NextTxPool = self.clone();
pool_one.sequence += 1;
let pool_two = NextTxPool {
// removes the back half including key
members: pool_one.members.split_off(&key),
sequence: self.sequence + 1,
sig_needed: self.sig_needed,
let amt_one =;
let amt_two =;
t.add_output(amt_one, &pool_one, None)?
.add_output(amt_two, &pool_two, None)?
Next, we’ll define some data types for instructing the pool to update:
/// Payment Request
#[derive(Deserialize, JsonSchema)]
struct PaymentRequest {
/// # Signature
/// hex encoded signature of the fee, sequence number, and payments
hex_der_sig: String,
fee: AmountF64,
payments: BTreeMap<Address, AmountF64>,
/// New Update message for generating a transaction from.
#[derive(Deserialize, JsonSchema)]
struct DoTx {
/// # Payments
/// A mapping of public key in members to signed list of payouts with a fee rate.
payments: HashMap<PublicKey, PaymentRequest>,
/// required...
impl Default for DoTx {
fn default() -> Self {
DoTx {
payments: HashMap::new(),
impl StatefulArgumentsTrait for DoTx {}
/// helper for rust type system issue
fn default_coerce(
k: <NextTxPool as Contract>::StatefulArguments,
) -> Result<DoTx, CompilationError> {
Lastly, we’ll define the logic for actually doing the update:
impl NextTxPool {
/// all signed the transaction!
fn all_signed(self, ctx: Context) {
/// This Function will create a proposed transaction that is safe to sign
/// given a list of data from participants.
guarded_by = "[Self::all_signed]",
coerce_args = "default_coerce",
fn do_tx(self, ctx: Context, update: DoTx) {
// don't allow empty updates.
if update.payments.is_empty() {
return empty();
// collect members with updated balances here
let mut new_members = self.members.clone();
// verification context
let secp = Secp256k1::new();
// collect all the payments
let mut all_payments = vec![];
let mut spent = Amount::from_sat(0);
// for each payment...
for (
PaymentRequest {
) in update.payments.iter()
// every from must be in the members
let balance = self
let new_balance = Amount::from(*balance)
- (payments
.fold(Amount::from_sat(0), |a, b| a + b)
+ Amount::from(*fee));
// check for no underflow
if new_balance.as_sat() < 0 {
return Err(CompilationError::TerminateCompilation);
// updates the balance or remove if empty
if new_balance.as_sat() > 0 {
new_members.insert(from.clone(), new_balance.into());
} else {
// collect all the payment
for (address, amt) in payments.iter() {
spent += Amount::from(*amt);
all_payments.push(Payment {
address: address.clone(),
amount: Amount::from(*amt).into(),
// Check the signature for this request
// came from this user
if self.sig_needed {
let mut hasher = sha256::Hash::engine();
for (address, amt) in payments.iter() {
let h = sha256::Hash::from_engine(hasher);
let m = Message::from_slice(&h.as_inner()[..]).expect("Correct Size");
let signed: Vec<u8> = FromHex::from_hex(&hex_der_sig)
.map_err(|_| CompilationError::TerminateCompilation)?;
let sig = Signature::from_der(&signed)
.map_err(|_| CompilationError::TerminateCompilation)?;
let _: () = secp
.verify(&m, &sig, &from.key)
.map_err(|_| CompilationError::TerminateCompilation)?;
// Send any leftover funds to a new pool
let change = NextTxPool {
members: new_members,
sequence: self.sequence + 1,
sig_needed: self.sig_needed,
// We'll use the contract from our last post to make the state
// transitions more efficient!
// Think about what else could be fun here though...
let out = TreePay {
participants: all_payments,
radix: 4,
.add_output(, &change, None)?
.add_output(spent, &out, None)?
Now it’s pretty neat – rather than “exercise for the reader”, we can have Sapio
generate payment pool updates for us. And exiting from the pool is very
efficient and keeps most users online. But speaking of exercises for the reader,
try thinking through these extensions…
No Code: Payout to where?
Payouts in this version are defined as being to an address.
How creative can we get with that? What if the payment request is 1 BTC to
address X and we generated X as a 1 BTC expecting Vault in Sapio?
What else cool can we do?
We could make our DoTx
differentiate between internal and external payouts. An
internal payout would allow for adding a new key OR for increasing the balance
of an existing key before other payments are processed. E.g., suppose we have
Alice with 1 BTC and Bob with 2, under the code above Alice sending 0.5 to Bob
and Bob sending 2.1 to Carol externally would fail and would remove funds from
the pool. If we want to keep funds in the pool, we can do that! And if we want
the balance from new internal transfers, could process before any deductions.
Internal tranfers to multiple addresses per user can also be used to improve
It should also be possible to have external inputs add balance to the pool
during any state update.
I basically glance over fees in this presentation… But there is more work to
be done to control and process fees fairly!
Cold-er Ejections
If you get kicked out of a pool because you went offline, might you be able to
specify – per user – some sort of vault program for the evicted coins to go into?
Howdy Partner
Who is next to whom is actually kinda relevant for a Pool with Efficient Ejections.
For example, if the pool splits because of an undersea cable breaking off France
and Britain, dividing users based on English or French would be much better than
random because after one transaction you could have all the English and French
users split and able to communicate again.
What different heuristics might you group people by? Reputation system? Amount
of funds at stake? Random? Sorted lexicographically?
Let’s look at some pictures:
Creating a Pool

Pool Created!

Inspecting the Root

Entering an update

Updated TX Graph
(had a ux bug, need to fix it before I add this :p)
Do Payment Pools Need CTV?
Not necessarily. Payment pools as shown can be done today, but they require
participants to use their own emulation / pre-signing servers before depositing
This might not seem bad; we already need everyone online for an update, right?
It’s truly not awful. However, many use cases of payment pool essentially
require being able to generate a payment pool without having all of the parties
online at the time of creation. E.g., imagine that your exchange matches you
with reputable payment pool counterparties when you withdraw (if you request
it). We’ll see the need concretely in a future post.
What about the Taproots
Unfortunately, rust-bitcoin/miniscript work on Taproot is still ongoing, so I
can’t show you how cool Taproot is for this. But essentially, our
clauses become just a single key! And they can be
non-interactively generated at every level for the tree-ejection version. This is
great! It will work pretty much automatically without changing the user-code once
the compiler supports taproot. Huge boon for privacy and efficiency!
Contrast this V.S….
As noted, there are some other proposals out there.
It’s the author’s opinion that Sapio + CTV are the best form of payment pool
compared to alternatives for both scalability and privacy. To fully understand
why is a lot more technical than this already technical post (beleive it or not).
If you want to get into it,
you can see my accounting for costs on the mailing list:
It boils down to a few things:
- Cheaper
- Simpler
- More Composable
- Better Privacy
In posts coming soon we’ll get a heck’n lot more creative with what goes inside
a payment pool, including lightning, mining pools, and “daos”! But that’s all
for today.