Jeremy Rubin's Blog

Here you'll find an assorted mix of content from yours truly. I post about a lot of things, but primarily Bitcoin.

categories: Bitcoin, Shenzhen Journey.

Quantum Proofing Bitcoin with a CAT

no cats harmed in the making of this post

I recently published a blog post about signing up to a 5 byte value using Bitcoin script arithmetic and Lamport signatures.

By itself, this is neat, but a little limited. What if we could sign longer messages? If we can sign up to 20 bytes, we could sign a HASH160 digest which is most likely quantum safe…

What would it mean if we signed the HASH160 digest of a signature? What the what? Why would we do that?

Well, as it turns out, even if a quantum computer were able to crack ECDSA, it would yield revealing the private key but not the ability to malleate the content of what was actually signed. I asked my good friend and cryptographer Madars Virza if my intuition was correct, and he confirmed that it should be sufficient, but it’s definitely worth closer analysis before relying on this. While the ECDSA signature can be malleated to a different, negative form, if the signature is otherwise made immalleable there should only be one value the commitment can be opened to.

If we required the ECDSA signature be signed with a quantum proof signature algorithm, then we’d have a quantum proof Bitcoin! And the 5 byte signing scheme we discussed previously is a Lamport signature, which is quantum secure. Unfortunately, we need at least 20 contiguous bytes… so we need some sort of OP_CAT like operation.

OP_CAT can’t be directly soft forked to Segwit v0 because it modifies the stack, so instead we’ll (for simplicity) also show how to use a new opcode that uses verify semantics, OP_SUBSTRINGEQUALVERIFY that checks a splice of a string for equality.

Fun Fact: OP_CAT existed in Bitcoin untill 2010, when Satoshi “secretly” forked out a bunch of opcodes. So in theory the original Bitcoin implementation supported Post Quantum cryptography out of the box!

... FOR j in 0..=5
    ... FOR i in 0..=31
        SWAP hash160 DUP <H(K_j_i_1)> EQUAL IF DROP <2**i> ADD ELSE <H(K_j_i_0)> EQUALVERIFY ENDIF
    ... END FOR


    ... FOR j in 0..=5
    ... END FOR
    ... FOR j in 0..=5
    ...  END FOR
... END IF


That’s a long script… but will it fit? We need to verify 20 bytes of message each bit takes around 10 bytes script, an average of 3.375 bytes per number (counting pushes), and two 21 bytes keys = 55.375 bytes of program space and 21 bytes of witness element per bit.

It fits! 20*8*55.375 = 8860, which leaves 1140 bytes less than the limit for the rest of the logic, which is plenty (around 15-40 bytes required for the rest of the logic, leaving 1100 free for custom signature checking). The stack size is 160 elements for the hash gadget, 3360 bytes.

This can probably be made a bit more efficient by expanding to a ternary representation.


This should bring it up to roughly 85 bytes per trit, and there should be 101 trits (log(2**160)/log(3) == 100.94), so about 8560 bytes… a bit cheaper! But the witness stack is “only” 2121 bytes…

As a homework exercise, maybe someone can prove the optimal choice of radix for this protocol… My guess is that base 4 is optimal!


What about Taproot? As far as I’m aware the commitment scheme (Q = pG + hash(pG || m)G) can be securely opened to m even with a quantum computer (finding q such that qG = Q might be trivial, but suppose key path was disabled, then finding m and p such that the taproot equation holds should be difficult because of the hash, but I’d need to certify that claim better). Therefore this script can nest inside of a Tapscript path – Tapscript also does not impose a length limit, 32 byte hashes could be used as well.

Further, to make keys reusable, there could be many Lamport keys comitted inside a taproot tree so that an address could be used for thousands of times before expiring. This could be used as a measure to protect accidental use rather than to support it.

Lastly, Schnorr actually has a stronger non-malleability property than ECDSA, the signatures will be binding to the approved transaction and once Lamport signed, even a quantum computer could not steal the funds.

CheckSigFromStack for 5 Byte Values

I recently published a blog post about covenants on Bitcoin.

Readers were quick to point out I hadn’t fully explained myself on a claim I made that you can do a form of CheckSigFromStack in Bitcoin today.

So I thought it would be worthwhile to fully describe the technique – for the archives.

There are two insights in this post:

  1. to use a bitwise expansion of the number
  2. to use a lamport signature

Let’s look at the code in python and then translate to bitcoin script:

def add_bit(idx, preimage, image_0, image_1):
    s = sha256(preimage)
    if s == image_1:
        return (1 << idx)
    if s == image_0:
        return 0
        assert False

def get_signed_number(witnesses : List[Hash], keys : List[Tuple[Hash, Hash]]):
    acc = 0
    for (idx, preimage) in enumerate(witnesses):
        acc += add_bit(idx, preimage, keys[idx][0], keys[idx][1])
    return x

So what’s going on here? The signer generates a key which is a list of pairs of hash images to create the script.

To sign, the signer provides a witness of a list of preimages that match one or the other.

During validation, the network adds up a weighted value per preimage and checks that there are no left out values.

Let’s imagine a concrete use case: I want a third party to post-hoc sign a sequence lock. This is 16 bits. I can form the following script:

<pk> checksigverify

In order to sign a 16 bit value V, the owner of K simply puts on the stack the binary representation of V indexed into the K. E.g., to sign 53593, first expand to binary 0b1101000101011001, then put the appropriate K values on the stack.


This technique is kind of bulky! It’s around 80x16 = 1280 length for the gadget, and 528 bytes for the witnesses. So it is doable, if not a bit expensive. There might be some more efficient scripts for this – would a trinary representation be more efficient?

The values that can be signed can be range limited either post-hoc (using OP_WITHIN) or internally as was done with the 16 bit value circuit where it’s impossible to do more than 16 bits.

Keys can be reused across scripts, but signatures may only be constructed one time because a third party could take two signed messages and construct an unintended value (e.g., if you sign both 4 and 2 then a third party could construct 6).

There are certain applications where this could be used for an effect – for example, an oracle might have a bonding contract whereby posessing any K_i_0 and K_i_1 allows the burning of funds.

Templates, Eltoo, and Covenants, Oh My!

If you’ve been following The Discourse, you probably know that Taproot is merged, locked in, and will activate later this November. What you might not know is what’s coming next… and you wouldn’t be alone in that. There are a number of fantastic proposals floating around to further improve Bitcoin, but there’s no clear picture on what is ready to be added next and on what timeline. No one – core developer, technically enlightened individuals, power users, or plebs – can claim to know otherwise.

In this post I’m going to describe 4 loosely related possible upgrades to Bitcoin – SH_APO (BIP-118), OP_CAT, OP_CSFS, and OP_CTV (BIP-119). These four upgrades all relate to how the next generation of stateful smart contracts can be built on top of bitcoin. As such, there’s natural overlap – and competition – for mindshare for review and deployment. This post is my attempt to stitch together a path we might take to roll them out and why that ordering makes sense. This post is for developers and engineers building in the Bitcoin space, but is intended to be followable by anyone technical or not who has a keen interest in Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Eschews Roadmaps and Agendas.

I provide this maxim to make clear that this document is by no means an official roadmap, narrative, or prioritization. However, it is my own assessment of what the current most pragmatic approach to upgrading Bitcoin is, based on my understanding of the state of outstanding proposals and their interactions.

My priorities in producing this are to open a discussion on potential new features, risk minimization, and pragmatic design for Bitcoin.

Upgrade Summaries

Below follows summaries of what each upgrade would enable and how it works. You might be tempted to skip it if you’re already familiar with the upgrades, but I recommend reading in any case as there are a few non obvious insights.


Currently proposed as BIP-118.

APO provides two new signature digest algorithms that do not commit to the coin being spent, or the current script additionally. Essentially allowing scripts to use outputs that didn’t exist at the time the script was made. This would be a new promise enforced by Bitcoin (ex. “You can close this Lightning channel and receive these coins if you give me the right proof. If a newer proof comes in later I’ll trust that one instead.”).

APO’s primary purpose is to enable off chain protocols like Eltoo, an improved non-punitive payment channel protocol.

APO can also emulate some of the main features of CTV and could be made to work with Sapio, partially. See the complimentary upgrades section for more detail.

CAT (+ variants)

Currently no BIP. However, CAT exists in Elements and Bitcoin Cash as a 520 byte limited form, so a proposal for Bitcoin can crib heavily from either.

Cat enables appending data onto other pieces of data. Diabolically simple functionality that has many advanced use cases by itself and in concert with other opcodes. There are many “straightforward” use cases of cat like requiring sighash types, requiring specific R values, etc, but there are too many devious use cases to list here. Andrew Poelstra has a decent blogpost series (part 1 and part ii) if you’re interested to read more. In particular, with much cleverness, it seems possible one could implement full covenants with just CAT, which covers (inefficiently) most of the other techniques discussed in this post.


Currently no BIP. However, CSFS exists in Elements and in Bitcoin Cash, so a proposal for Bitcoin can crib heavily from either.

CSFS enables checking of a signature against a message and key from the stack without including any transaction data.

Use cases include oracle protocols, key delegations, a channel update invalidation variant (Laolu claims this can be tweaked to be fully non punitive like eltoo, but you’ll need to bug him to write it up), and (+CAT) full covenants.


Currently proposed as BIP-119.

CTV enables committing to a specific “next” transaction from script. This is the ability to make an unbreakable promise on chain which Bitcoin can enforce (e.g. “This coin can only be spent to my multisig, or my backup after a timelock”). This is a departure from normal script which is traditionally only concerned with restrictions on the sender, CTV imposes restrictions on the recipient. More technically, CTV is essentially the ability to embed a signature of a specific transaction inside of a script without needing any elliptic curve operations. The validation costs are low. For more advanced logic, you can nest multiple different CTV Hashes either using taproot or up to the script length limits in regular script.

CTV can be used for vaults, channels, and many other uses. There’s also Sapio which is a language and toolkit for creating many kinds of programs with CTV.

CTV compliments CSFS to be able to emulate APO-like functionality sufficient to build Eltoo, potentially making APO feature-wise redundant.

Comparative Analysis

Now that we’ve got the basics covered, let’s explore these upgrades comparatively across several dimensions.

Design Specificity

“Design Specificity” is a subjective measure of how substantially an upgrade could change from its current design while still meeting the features goals. It is not to be confused with security or safety. Ranked in order from most to least design specific, with non-exhaustive lists of design questions based on ongoing community discourse as well as my own personal understanding of what might be desirable.

  1. CSFS
  2. CTV
  3. CAT
  4. APO

Explanations & Open Questions:

  1. CSFS is very simple and there is essentially a single way to implement it. Three open questions are:
    1. Should CSFS require some sort of tagged hash? Very likely answer is no – tags interfere with certain use cases)
    2. Should CSFS split the signature’s R & S value stack items for some applications that otherwise may require OP_CAT? E.g. using a pinned R value allows you to extract a private key if ever double signed, using 2 R values allows pay-to-reveal-key contracts. Most likely answer is no, if that is desired then OP_CAT can be introduced
    3. Should CSFS support a cheap way to reference the taproot internal or external key? Perhaps, can be handled with undefined upgradeable keytypes. One might want to use the internal key, if the signed data should be valid independent of the tapscript tree. One might want to use the external key, if the data should only be valid for a single tapscript key + tree.
  2. CTV is a commitment to all data that can malleate TXID besides the inputs being spent, therefore CTV does not have much space for variation on design.
    1. Should the digest be reordered or formatted differently? If there were more data on what types of covenants might be built in the future, a better order could be picked. Some thought has already gone into an order and commitments that make covenants easier, see the BIP for more. It’s also possible the serialization format for the variable length fields (scriptsigs, outputs) could be changed to make it easier to work with from script. (Maybe, minor change)
    2. Should CTV include more template types? Possibly, CTV includes an upgrade mechanism baked in for new template types, so it is extensible for future purposes.
    3. Should CTV commit to the amounts? CTV does not commit to the amount that a coin has. Input-inspecting functionality should be handled by separate opcodes, as CTV would be overly restrictive otherwise. E.g. dynamic fees through new inputs would be harder: given CTV’s design it is not possible to detect which field did not match therefore it is not possible to script against unexpected amount sent errors without some compromise (e.g. timeouts).
  3. CAT is simplistic, and there are really few ways to implement it. However, because it requires some restrictions for security, there are difficult to answer open design questions:
    1. What is the appropriate maximum stack size CAT should permit? Currently the design in Elements is 520 bytes, the max general stack size permitted in script.
    2. Should CAT be introduced or SHASTREAM, SUBSTRING, or another variant? There is a strong argument for SHASTREAM because when constructing covenants (e.g. for use with CTV) based on TX data it’s possible for size of a data field (e.g., serialization of all outputs) to exceed 520 bytes.
  4. There are many tough questions that the community has grappled with during APO’s design and engineering process, generally asking how APO-like techniques can be made ‘Generally Safe’ given iit breaks current assumptions around address reuse.
    1. Should APO require chaperone signatures (in order to ensure that replay is not done by 3rd parties)? Current Answer: No, anyone is free to burn their keys by revealing them to similar effect.
    2. Should APO use key tagging to mark keys that can use APO: Current Answer: yes, APO should be “double opt-in” (both requiring a tag and a signer to produce such a signature)
    3. Should APO allow signing with the external taproot key: Current Answer: no, because it makes APO not “double opt-in”.
    4. Should APO optimize signing with the internal taproot key? Answer: default key 0x01 refers to taproot internal key, so it can be made cheaper if you’re going to need it without having to repeat the entire key.
    5. Should APO commit to the signing script? Answer: let’s do two variants.
    6. Should APO instead be a larger refactoring of sighash logic that encapsulates APO (e.g. sighash bitmasks)? Current Answer: No, APO is good enough to ship as is and doesn’t preclude future work.


This category covers how “safe” each change is ranked from safest to least safe. What makes a change more or less safe is how limited and foreseeable the uses are of a specific opcode, in other words, how well we understand what it can do or where it might interact poorly with deployed infrastructure.

  1. CTV
  2. CSFS
  3. APO
  4. CAT

CTV is the safest new feature since fundamentally what it introduces is very similar to what can be done with pre-signed transactions, so it is only a pivot on trust and interactivity. Where there is some risk from CTV is that addresses (or rather, invoices) that are reused might have the same program behind them which could cause unintended behavior. This differs from the reuse problem in APO because the problem is stateless, that is, if you verify what is behind an address you will know what exists and does not exist. E.g., two payment channel addresses will create distinct payment channels that updates cannot be replayed across. In contrast with APO, paying one APO using address twice creates two instances of the same channel, state updates from one channel can be used on the other.

CSFS is the next safest, it is just a small piece of authenticated data. CSFS and CTV are relatively close in terms of safety, but CSFS is slightly less safe given a remote possibility of surprising uses of it to perform unforeseen elliptic curve operations. This functionality already exists for up to 5-byte messages. A hash preimage revelation can emulate a signer compactly. Using binary expansions and addition could be used to allow signing of values more compactly (e.g., 2x16x32 byte hashes could be used to construct a signature of a post-hoc selected Sequence lock). Read more here. Therefore it is appropriate to think of CSFS as an expansion of the efficiency of this technique, reusability of keys, and the types of data that can be signed over. Although CSFS is famously used to build covenants by comparing a CSFS signature to a CHECKSIG signature and getting transaction data onto the stack, CSFS cannot do that without CAT.

APO. This is the next safest because APO has some questions around key reuse safety and statefulness of information. See the above description in CTV for why this is tangibly worse for APO than CTV. See more discussion of APO’s safety & design trade offs here.

CAT is the least ‘safe’ in terms of extant Bitcoin concepts as it is highly likely CAT introduces at least advanced covenants if added, especially in conjunction with the above opcodes, but may also enable other unintended functionality. CAT is a source of continual surprise with regards to what it enables in composition with existing opcodes, therefore a systematic review of composability and known uses should be done before considering it. That CAT was forked out by Satoshi is of limited relevance as the variant proposed for reintroduction would not have the vulnerability present initially.

Complimentary Upgrades

Pairings of upgrades can work together to deliver functionality that neither could alone:

  1. CAT + CSFS: full blown arbitrary covenants
    1. With arbitrary covenants you can deploy many different kinds of smart contracts which are out of scope for this article.
  2. CAT + CTV: Expanded covenants
    1. slightly simpler to use interface but fewer features than CSFS + CAT which can covenant over witness data and inputs.
  3. CTV + CSFS: Eltoo
    1. This can add very similar functionality to eltoo with the script fragment: CTV <musig(pka, pkb)> CSFS <S+1> CLTV The protocol is essentially identical to the Eltoo paper, however there are a couple subtle differences required for dynamic fee rates.
  4. CTV + APO: Slightly Different
    1. Several sources have claimed that APO offers a strict superset of CTV’s functionality (but not efficiency). This is false. Their digests are slightly different, as such there are some niche smart contracts that could use the differences in commitment structure for interesting effects (CTV commits to all scriptsigs and sequences, APO cannot cover that data but can cover a few variants of less data covered).

By all means not an exhaustive list – feel free to message me with additions.


My recommendation is to deliver the upgrades described in this document in the following order:

  1. CTV
  2. CSFS
  3. APO

This recommendation comes as a synthesis of the thoughts above on the composability, safety, and open design considerations of the various proposals currently in flight.

With CTV in place, we can begin experimenting with a wide variety of contracts using the Sapio toolchain, as well as improve and invest in maturing the toolchain. Mature toolchains will make it easier to safely engineer and deploy applications making use of CTV and future upgrades.

CSFS is an independent change that can be deployed/developed in parallel to or before CTV, the implementation from Elements could be easily ported to Bitcoin. With CSFS and CTV, Eltoo-like constructions will be possible as well.

APO can then be deployed as an optimization to existing use patterns driven by market adoption of CTV+CSFS based use. This also gives us time to kick the can down the road on the design questions that APO prompts around generalization of signature digests and key reuse safety. A similar approach was discussed on the mailing list, but without the insight that CSFS + CTV was sufficient for Eltoo like constructions, requiring CAT instead.

Lastly, OP_CAT can be delivered as part of an effort towards generalized arbitrary covenants and perhaps in conjunction with some special purpose opcodes (such as OP_CHECKINPUT) that can more easily handle common cases. CAT, although it has safe implementations used in Elements, deserves very strict scrutiny given it’s documented surprising uses.

This approach represents a gradual relaxation of Bitcoin’s restrictions around smart contract programming that introduces useful, safe primitives and gives the community time to build and deploy useful infrastructure. The path described in this post is an opportunity to upgrade bitcoin with simple primitives that compose nicely for permissionless innovation.

Thanks to those who reviewed drafts of this post and provided valuable feedback improving the clarity and accuracy of this post, including pyskell, Keagan McClelland, Ryan Gentry, and Olaoluwa Osuntokun. Edit + Feedback ≠ Endorsement.

Delegated signatures in Bitcoin within existing rules, no fork required (Connector Outputs)

This originally appeared on the mailing list, and has been edited lightly for some updates in 2025.

I’m aware that some folks (I think nullc, sipa, myself… maybe more?) are aware of how to do script delegation in Bitcoin today (without any modifications to Bitcoin), but realized in a conversation with Andrew P that the technique is not widely known. So I figured it made sense to do a brief explainer of how this works for the archives / so the technique is documented. If someone has other citations for this, please let me know. This technique is now popular in BitVM and in Ark.

If you like cartoons follow along here.

Technically what we are doing is delegating a UTXO to a specific UTXO, and not to a script.

Suppose you have a coin on UTXO A. You would like to delegate it to script S. You can either scan the chain for any UTXOs bound to S or use some arbitrary coin B to create a transaction X with an output D that has script S (doesn’t have to have any value, but let’s say it has a nominal amount to avoid dust issues). Because tx X is not malleable, we don’t need to actually broadcast it and spend B till we want to use the delegation, and it can be created (for the TXID) without B’s owner being online. However you get the UTXO, and if it exists or not yet, let’s call it D.

Note: if you’re using a delegation script multiple times, you can optimize the creation step a bit

Now, using A, you sign a transaction with 2 inputs (one of them being D) and SIGHASH_NONE. This signs all of the inputs (but not their sequences!) but none of the outputs. Let’s call this transaction stub G.

Now, using S, you sign D’s input on G with SIGHASH_ALL and the outputs you want to create (whatever they may be). Let’s call the finished transaction F.

Effectively, the holder of A has delegated the control of their coin to a specific instance of the script S. Once delegated, S may authorize almost any transaction they want (complicated if they want to sign a multiple input transaction; but there are good substitutes).

Advanced Topics:

Revocation: There are multiple ways to revoke, either moving A, moving D, refusing to sign and create D (when D is derived from B), etc. Because these are UTXO-bound they are revocable. (the cartoon may help here) Cross input delegation: A set of N coins may create a sighash_none transaction with 1 additional input for the delegating script Partial Spending Authorizations: Replacing sighash_none with sighash_single allows an input to specify a single change address (plug – OP_CTV covenants can be thought of as a way to get around sighash_single to allow sighash_single to cover signing a set of outputs) Delegation after time: Because the lock_time field is covered, delegations can be set up to only be valid at some point in the future. Only a single sequence lock per delegated coin may be used directly. Multiple Delegates: *By signing a txn with several delegate outputs, it is possible to enforce multiple disparate conditions. Normally this is superfluous – why not just concatenate S1 and S2? The answer is that you may have S1 require a relative height lock and S2 require a relative time lock (this was one of the mechanisms investigated for *Sequenced Contingent Delegation: By constructing a specific TXID that may delegate the coins, you can make a coin’s delegation contingent on some other contract reaching a specific state. For example, suppose I had a contract that had 100 different possible end states, all with fixed outpoints at the end. I could delegate coins in different arrangements to be claimable only if the contract reaches that state. Note that such a model requires some level of coordination between the main and observing contract as each Coin delegate can only be claimed one time. *CTV Specific P2SH Non Coin Delegation: *OP_CTV allows for a similar form of delegation where by a Segwit P2SH address, as a part of the CTV committed data, can be used without binding it to any specific UTXO. With the addition of OP_CAT, it would be possible to both programmatically change the outputs (rather than just approving the fixed txn) and to dynamically select the script. *Redelegating: *This is where A delegates to S, S delegates to S’. This type of mechanism most likely requires the coin to be moved on-chain to the script (A OR S or S’), but the on-chain movement may be delayed (via presigned transactions) until S’ actually wants to do something with the coin.

There are obviously many other things you can do with delegation in general, the above are specific to how coin delegation is done. I’m probably missing some of the fun stuff – please riff on this!

Giving Money Away?

a version of this originally appeared on, I still need to verify all edits match.

Give a Man a Bitcoin, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Mine Bitcoin, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime. – Ancient Proverb

Don’t snooze – many cryptocurrency projects are giving away coins for free – act fast and you can get some too! Whatever they call it: an airdrop, a share, a gift, a giveaway, etc, the idea is the same, noble intentions of correcting long-standing social iniquities by “giving money away” (in the form of cryptocurrency) to disenfranchised groups1. The disenfranchised group varies project-to-project; sometimes it is F/LOSS developers, sometimes all internet users, low-income individuals, etc.

There’s a catch that subverts this good intention – even ignoring difficult issues around identification of real users – it’s really hard to effectively correct these iniquities by giving away cash.

Plans that simply give out assets are misguided, because they conflate money with a different, though related, concept: wealth.

There are many ways to define these terms, but in this article I’ll define wealth as an individual’s ability to instigate changes that improve their current situation in some capacity. For example, I am wealthy if I know how to fix my own car when it breaks down. There are also harder to quantify forms of this wealth which only exist relative to a group such as leadership ability.

On the other hand, for this article, I’ll define money as a tool for convincing others of an individual’s wealth when they want something. For example, I could get a mechanic to fix my car in exchange a service or good of equal value – perhaps I can give the mechanic some advice on her ICO pitch deck – but in many cases it’s difficult to find something the other party wants, values equally, knows I have, or that I am able to offer currently. Instead, I give the mechanic a fixed amount of money, which is an easier to agree on means of exchange, unit of account, and store of value.

In another sense, money is a symptom of wealth. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Where there is money, there should be wealth. If one has a valuable skill, such as knowing how to rebuild an engine, one can use it to acquire money. While having money might be a good indicator that one possesses some valuable skill, you can easily imagine situations where this would be a false indicator – like lottery winners.

Giving money to a person lacking financial responsibility is unlikely to increase their wealth; like trying to use a cloud of smoke to start a fire. Lottery winners exemplify the challenge of converting ‘unearned’ money into wealth, about a third or more quickly go bankrupt despite their winnings2. Intuitively, if you wouldn’t invest in a slot jockey with your money before they hit the jackpot, what makes you think they’d do any better with their winnings?

Giving people wealth is more effective than giving them money. But is giving away wealth possible? And just how effective can giving away money truly be?

Let’s set those questions aside for a moment, we’ll revisit them later.

For now, we’ll construct a toy model3 for discussing giveaways. As with any model, this toy model is overly simplified for many reasons – I’ll do my best to clarify which things are simplified. The main purpose in presenting a toy model is to establish a common framework for how to think about giveaways.

Suppose we can represent everyone in the world’s assets as a vector \(v_a\) and their wealth as a vector \(v_w\). Assets are tangible things usable for transactions or ownership, and wealth is a measure of an individuals quality. For instance, a debit card uses assets and a credit card uses wealth.

We can model assets as a proxy for wealth, and model the efficiency of the proxy with a cost function such as Euclidean distance between the normalized vectors. We normalize the vectors to account for unit bias4, if everyone had $100 or $1M, it wouldn’t matter.

\[C_P(v_a, v_w) = \sqrt{(\hat{v}_m - \hat{v}_w)^2}\]

In reality, Euclidean distance may be a really poor choice of cost function – perhaps a better choice is cosine similarity, perhaps there is a regularization parameter that says cost should be higher if the distribution doesn’t fall along a power law, perhaps Gini coefficient5 should be included, etc. But we will get a lot of mileage out of using a simple cost function for discussing the general shape of the problem.

I posit you can only meaningfully give people assets insofar as the giveaway works to minimize the cost function subject to a regularization parameter (otherwise our giveaway might be too radical, which could destabilize the economy). For example, the following formula is one possible giveaway cost function:

\[C_G(v_a, v_w, \Delta v_a) = C_P(v_a + \Delta v_a, v_w ) - C_P(v_a, v_w) + \eta \cdot || \Delta v_a||\]

In plain English, you want the smallest giveaway for the largest correction in wealth/assets disparity. If \(C_G(v_a, v_w, \Delta v_a) > 0\), then you destabilize the monetary supply.

Again, this cost function is only offered as an example. We may also care about other regularizations against different types of giveaways – for instance, we might want to penalize giveaways that are ‘unfair’ with high variance between amounts – but we can use this model a starting point to look at a few examples.

If you want to follow along, the model is in python below:

def norm(v):
  w = sqrt(sum(map(lambda x: x**2, v)))
  if w == 0: return v
  return [x/w for x in v]

def cp(m, w):
  return sqrt(sum(map(lambda (a,b): (a-b)**2, zip(norm(m), norm(w)))))

def cg(m,w,dm, eta=0.01):
  return cp([a+b for (a,b) in zip(m, dm)], w) - cp(m, w) + eta*sqrt(sum(x**2 for x in dm))

To work a quick, concrete example of correcting inequalities:

Suppose Alice has $10 and Bob has $20, but Alice is “worth” $10 and Bob is “worth” $12. I.e., \(v_a = [10, 20], v_w = [10, 12]\). To correct for the inequality, we either want Alice to have more money or Bob to have less. How bad is the current inequality? The cost function tells us \(C_P([10, 20], [10, 12]) \approx 0.23\).

Suppose \(\eta = 0.01\).

Let’s examine four plausible giveaways

What if we give everyone a small amount? \(\Delta v_a = [1, 1] \to C_G \approx -0.0046\)

Negative cost! It works! By increasing Alice’s and Bob’s assets, we made the overall efficiency of the monetary supply better.

What if we give everyone a lot!

\[\Delta v_a = [10, 10] \to C_G \approx 0.018\]

Too much! Our money is less efficient.

What if we tax Bob a little and give to Alice?

\[\Delta v_a = [1, -1] \to C_G \approx -0.047\]

What if we tax Bob a lot and give the tax to Alice?

\[\Delta v_a = [6, -6] \to C_G \approx 0.011\]

What if we just destroy some of Bob’s assets?

\[\Delta v_a = [0, -11] \to C_G \approx 0.023\]

Let’s look at these examples as graphs. In the below graphs of giveaways, the blue areas are efficient, the red is inefficient, and the white areas are neutral. On the X axis is the amount Alice is to receive, on the Y axis Bob. Mind the scales on the right.

Small Eta

Nice – there is a large blue region where we can improve the inequality! This region is roughly a line segment from \((-10, -20)\) to \((18, 12)\).

In reality, in this model we might want to pick \(\eta\) such that the regularization amount is 1 if the size of the giveaway is the same as the monetary supply:

\[\eta = \frac{1}{||v_a||} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{10^2 + 20^2}} \approx 0.045\]

Big Eta

Now, the blue region is much smaller, and the maximum magnitude of the benefit is several orders of magnitude smaller. The giveaway doesn’t work that well!

Finding cost-reducing giveaways may be impossible in many circumstances (e.g., with a slightly greater \(\eta\)). This is always the case if the cost-function \(C_G\) is positive semi-definite with respect to the initial condition.

It bears repeating: this model is heavily simplified. In a real scenario, the regularization is much likely much larger.

Major wealth transfers often involve war, death, and destruction. Intuitively, if I stand to lose $M dollars, I am willing to spend $M dollars to prevent that loss (even if the total loss may be larger – see war of attrition6)

We also can’t simply find the blue-zones easily – ultimately, we don’t know how wealthy everyone is exactly and there are billions of people, not just two. Wealth is not a fixed quantity. Just giving someone assets doesn’t make them wealthier, nor does taking away some of their assets in the short term. In the long term, however, people’s wealth drifts and moves.

There’s been a lot of research that’s been done on the efficacy various forms of giveaway. Here’s a run down on 4 cases:

Example 1: Finland gave away 560 euros/month to 2,000 randomly selected unemployed Finns for two years. Finland didn’t find an increase in employment, but did find increased happiness. When the recipients base was slated to increase, unsavory side effects such as increased nationalism manifested7.

Example 2: GiveDirectly gives unconditional cash transfers to impoverished areas in East Africa. GiveDirectly claims to have seen a large improvement in the earnings of those who received unconditional cash transfers several years after the transfer8.

Example 3: The EU Africa Emergency trust, which is referenced in the Economist7, set up gifts to give to residents of countries which were below a certain poverty threshold if the government would share key reports and data. The program faced budgetary issues.

Example 4: GiveCrypto is a brand new initiative which gives crypto wallets with coins (unclear which ones) to those in need. This is substantial because cryptocurrency also helps fill in with banking infrastructure, unlike previous programs like GiveDirectly which relied on existing analog systems.

A problem shared across these studies broadly is that they are not large enough. The amounts of money dispersed is significantly smaller than the magnitude of inequality between the sponsors and the recipients. Performing such socioeconomic experiments at scale may self destruct an economy and society unwilling to bear the cost of a non-experiment sized giveaway. Increasing nationalism, as seen in Finland, could be a precursor for increased violence or decreased long term global development.

A second issue is that these programs are targeted at increasing wealth, not decreasing inequality. As is often said, a rising tide raises all boats. If the global economy improves as a result of assisting impoverished individuals, the benefit is not clearly greater for the receiver than the giver. For instance, the giver may benefit greatly from having new agricultural trade, sources of cheap educated labor, advanced manufacturing capability, or from increasing peace in troubled regions defraying the risk of costly wars.

A third concern is that such programs create subversive reliance. For instance, in Gambia, when politicians wanted to stop passing on surveillance data to the EU, which would end the payments, mass protests erupted. The Gambian citizens were put into a precarious relationship with the EU, whereby the EU had the power to influence their politics and conduct – perhaps against their longer term interests. This emphasizes the importance of unconditionality, as promulgated by GiveDirectly. Unfortunately, the discretion to continue or not continue a giveaway itself constitutes a conditionality. It’s best to structure programs so as to minimize the chance of dependence or economic reliance for the independence and freedom of the recipients.

Let’s look examine some strategies in light of the real world research and our model.

Give Small Amounts, Frequently

Giving away a large amount should be mostly infeasible because of regularization. However, by giving away small amounts repeatedly, we have an opportunity to re-examine the money to wealth ratios for each individual, and we also give the money distributed a chance to impact wealth. This is reminiscent of gradient descent as used in Machine Learning9.

The down side is that if the distributions are too small then the economy can sufficiently absorb and dissipate the extra money without benefiting anyone, and if they are too frequent then it may not be different than a single larger giveaway, causing chaos.

Target Specific Groups with Bad Wealth : Assets Ratios

One way to improve the odds of our distribution working is by finding small communities with bad money to wealth ratios and focusing on them exclusively. This is essentially the GiveDirectly model for working in East Africa.

However, we must be careful. Because of the normalization of the assets vector, giving money to one person fundamentally takes money from everyone else.

Shown below, 90 people with 10 wealth and 10 assets each, and 10 people with 10 wealth and 1 assets each. We give all 10 asset-poor people X assets each. Y is \(\eta\), the learning rate.

One Poor Person

This shows us that there is a range of reasonable giveaways, so long as we discount giving money heavily (above \(\eta \approx 0.01 \) everyone is made worse off giving away any money).

It’s also critical to ensure that this is somewhat Pareto Efficient – if increasing the wealth of one group puts them on par or above another, that other group may suffer. For instance, if supporting a poor community results in a flood of agricultural products, existing farmers quality of life may be made worse.

Self Determination & Currency Competition

One way to improve the efficiency of the money supply is to allow people to issue currencies at will for whatever group wants to.

The price discovery process for this currency on the open market serves as a feedback loop for if that distribution formed a good giveaway or not and the integrity of those who operate and hold the new currency.

Internally to the group self-determining, the new currency should be viewed as more efficient among the group itself.

In a parallel world, instead of GiveCrypto, there’s GiveLiquidity which buys and sells cryptocurrencies issued by communities to help them bootstrap internationally. This would help avoid colonialist influence because communities would have more autonomy over the new money supply they are adopting.

Increase Wealth Directly

This is a bit of a trick. Recall, our cost functions from our toy model are about optimizing our money supply – not our overall outcome.

Individual wealth can increase directly without a gift of assets. For instance, sponsoring educational programs is a way to increase the wealth of society – this is commonly done through subsidized school programs. There’s evidence that shows that unconditional cash transfers increase attendance at schools more than conditional transfers, but improving the quality of education available could provide an even larger boost.

Another take on this is to remove “wealth-conversion depressants”. An example of this is hair stylist licenses10, they ultimately serve as a barrier for entry based on assets available (not based on skill).

Counteracting Another “Giveaway”

If other contemporaneous events emulate a giveaway that redistributes assets in such a manner that there is a substantial worsening of wealth to assets ratio, a concurrent giveaway could counteract this. Two examples of this are giving resources to educated refugees and asylum seekers who left behind their property and assets (the conflict is reassigning their assets via violence) as is being done in Turkey11 and proposals to use Bitcoin in Venezuela to counteract the instability of the Bolivar12.

In writing this article, my hope was not to convince you that you can’t make people’s lives better – au contraire! Working to improve the human condition is something that each and every one of us should do every day, and I laud those trying, even if I disagree with their tactics.

I do hope that you are left understanding how difficult it is to give away money with good effect. Fully fixing the inequality would cause massive upheaval and disorder, increasing the fairness but decreasing the wealth. Peer reviewed experiments with promising results are unlikely to scale because they don’t run up against this societal regularization. They also, at scale, may cause an untold loss of liberty as more income is unearned and dependent on the discretion of the ruling class.

I’ll leave you with this: In setting up the dichotomy between wealth and assets, I’ve completely side-stepped the much more interesting question: wealth inequality. Is it an issue if someone else is, by natural virtue, exponentially better off than me? Should that inequality be rectified? Can it be? When a new disease breaks out, the immunologist’s value to society increases, maybe that’s how it should be. Maybe we could all attain equal wealth at the cost of our individuality. Or perhaps we could all be equal, but none great. Maybe our best bet is for each of us to ask, are we better off than we were before; and what can we do for those of among us who are not as fortunate?

  1. disclosure: I am an advisor to Stellar, which aspires to give away cryptocurrency to many people. 

  2. Powerball 

  3. This model is inspired by general format of a gradient descent problem. 

  4. Accounting for the fact that there could be X ‘dollars’ per unit wealth. 

  5. A measure of centralization of wealth distribution. See the wikipedia entry. 


  7. Economist on UBI  2

  8. GiveDirectly 

  9. Two great interactive sites demonstrating these methods, one and two

  10. Hair Licenses 

  11. Turkey 

  12. Sending coin to Venezuela 

© 2011-2021 Jeremy Rubin. All rights reserved.